Komputer cpanel


I was receiving a 500 internal server error on one of my CPanel sites earlier tonight but the apache error logs in CPanel admin for that user showed nothing. Instead, I had to locate the global apache error logs....
server yang gunakan cloudlinux error 500 pada cpanel? pelajari dulu apa sebabnya, dengan cek lognyaCode:cat /var/log/apache2/error_log | grep CageFSSoftException in Application.cpp:487: CageFS jail error Unable to mount /var/cagefs/75/xxx/var/cpanel/userdata to /usr/share/cagefs-skeleton/var/cpanel/userdata, referer: http://www.xxx.com/ ...
masalahnya ini di log secureCode:Mar 23 07:35:28 carauntuk.com sshd: fatal: Access denied for user root by PAM account configurationbukan karena selinux, mungkin ./etc/shadownya ada yang ngaco, tadi jalankan ini:Code:pwconv Quote:The pwconv command creates shadow from passwd and an optionally existing shadow. Code:Mar...
A TimThumb error has occuredThe following error(s) occured: Could not create the index.html file - to fix this create an empty file named index.html file in the cache directory.Could not create cache clean timestamp file.Saya baru dapat pertanyan dari temen,...
untuk mencari detail password pada mysql server Cpanel anda bisa buka file ini/root/.my.cnfuntuk memastikan ada isinya atau tidak pada timezone database anda login ke mysql servernya dengan cara seperti ini :mysql mysql;lalu> SELECT name FROM time_zone_name LIMIT 5;jika hasilnya...